The newest film by Emerald Fennell, “Saltburn,” came out November 17, 2023 and has recently gained a lot of attention and many people have been debating whether they like it or not, and whether it deserves the attention it’s getting.
“I really enjoyed the plot of ‘Saltburn.’ The plot was both thrilling and captivating,” said senior Nili Khaksari.
As more and more people begin to watch it, more opinions come out about it, and there are many people who think the film is not appropriate, and very disturbing.
“There are a lot of inappropriate and disturbing scenes,” said junior Avery Gordon.
While most high schoolers watch anything they want, “Saltburn” is one that is bringing up much controversy since there are gruesome scenes that show very disturbing things that children should be warned about before being exposed to.
“Saltburn” is not a movie that is appropriate for school, due to the scenes that are in it being insanely violent, as well as uncomfortable for students to watch. Now the question arises, if it’s so disturbing, why is there so much attention around it?
“Most people tend to watch it to see Jacob Elordi,” said Khaksari.
Jacob Elordi has been recieving attention in pop culture recently, like “Euphoria” and “Priscilla”, and a lot of people have been going solely to see him.
“If Jacob Elordi wasn’t in it, I don’t think as many people would be watching it,” said Gordon.
As people see more advertising for this movie, Jacob Elordi has been the face of most. This movie is a mix of beautiful cinematic elements and scenes, and a plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The plot and casting alone make it an amazing movie that deserves all the attention it’s getting. However, with the inappropriate scenes, people do not know if it really does deserve the attention.