Bonnie Knight: Her Journey to the Top of her Class

11th grader Bonnie Knight has been ranked #1 in her class since 9th grade. When bonnie was a freshman, she knew a lot of seniors that had high class ranks and knew she wanted to be at least in the top ten. Once sophomore year came, knight found out she was close to valedictorian, so she decided to just go for it since she was already a member of the track team. Bonnie started taking a lot of difficult classes to boost her GPA which will increase her class rank.  Bonnie takes classes like Ap Chem, AP research, AP calc AB, AP environmental science, AP Lang, ceramics, as well as three duals that usually vary depending on the semester, and three FLVS classes currently.

Knight also is on the track team in addition to all her classes. Many people may wonder if this huge responsibility gets in the way of her love for track, “Sometimes! I genuinely have had to leave practice early to go to do homework sometimes or go to tutoring.” Said Knight. She really values tutoring and getting help whenever she needs it and would recommend it to anyone as it does help and make a difference.

Knight has many goals she wants to achieve she says. “I just want to encourage other people to pursue their goals and know that it does not matter what your GPA ends up being, but rather the effort you put forth toward your work and the courage you had to at least try your best. I also would love to stay valedictorian so I can give a speech at graduation” Said Knight. Bonnie has a bright future ahead of her, thinking about future careers and college she says “I have no idea. Honestly, wherever I can afford, I will probably an in-state school for Bright Futures. If money wasn’t an issue though I’d definitely pursue an Ivy League, Clemson, or UNC.” Bonnie over all is a great successful student heading down the right path in hopes of a great career and future.