Programming Sheets are Out and Students Wonder What Counts as Performing Arts


Senior Hailey Andrews is putting her artwork of her friend and dog onto a new program. She is going to turn her drawing into an animation in Digital Art two, which is one of the performing arts classes in Steinbrenner. Photo Courtesy of Lisa Donat.

During the last week of October, programming sheets have been given to all freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to select their classes for the next school year- 2023 to 2024. Each of those students must carefully select their ideal electives and courses that not only correspond to their interests, but also the necessary graduation requirements. 

One of those requirements includes a single performing arts credit. Many  ponder on the question: what particularly makes a class count towards performing arts? Steinbrenner has different kinds of classes that provide the crucial credit that embraces a variety of talent.  

“I think the art, music, and theatre classes count as performing arts because they are the arts,” said Senior Jacqueline Loannidis, who taken numerous amounts of art classes throughout her years in Steinbrenner including AP Drawing, Ceramics two, and Digital Arts two. 

Music, art, and theatre are the first type of courses that pop into students’ heads when they think of performing arts classes. However, there are other types of classes that count for the same credit and tackle different interests regarding showcasing arts and skills.  

One of the school’s guidance counselors, Ms. Blevins, informed, “We do have some (classes) that are in the CTE area that count as performing art. They’re not actually performing art, but they’re called a practical art class that counts as performing art.”  

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) area is a combination of science, practical arts, and economic credit classes. The handful of performing arts classes in CTE include Digital Information Technology, Computer Fundamentals, and Culinary two. There is no class that is necessarily the best for this type of credit, but rather the best for the students’ hobbies and personal strengths. 

Lisa Donat // Staff Writer