For highschoolers, prom is thought to be a formal event where everyone is supposed to look their fanciest. There have been many dress trends that go from popular to forgotten over the prom seasons. One of the most popular and well-known styles is the formal, tight, glittery prom dress. However, recent prom goers have decided to ditch the glitz and glam for dresses that look quite casual. It’s been said that some of them compare to Easter brunch attire.
The new wave of dresses is quite the opposite of what girls were buying just two years ago. From bright, lively colors to dull, pastel neutrals, these dresses give prom a more relaxed vibe. There is less glitter to be found, but instead, ruffles and flower patterns have taken over. When did everyone decide to make the switch? “I saw a lot of inspo on TikTok last year and I realized the trends were changing”, senior Lauren Clark shares. On TikTok, it seems that only the Easter prom dresses go viral and end up on people’s ‘For You’ page. As the prom season progresses, we’re seeing less and less girls showing off formal looking dresses and jumping into the trend.
Additionally, the footwear has also changed this prom season. Many girls are over high heels and are pairing their easter dresses with either chunky wedges or white tennis shoes. “It’s a lot more practical to wear something comfortable during the night”, senior Saige Sampson said. “Comfort over style” is the 2024 mindset for many this prom season. When asked if she thought the formal attire would completely disappear, Clark replied, “No because they’ve been around for too long to go away immediately.” Clark’s theory was proven to be correct after prom took place on Saturday and many Steinbrenner students posted their photos, showing off both floral, “Easter” dresses paired with comfortable shoes and formal, sparkly dresses paired with a statement heel.