National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN) is the world’s largest Model UN conference for secondary school students. The organization is known for its academically rigorous material that includes debates and high-level thinking about global diplomacy. Located in New York, each year selected students from all different high school’s travel to New York to attend a conference, representing a certain country. Throughout the conference, students get the chance to attend meetings with diplomatic representatives of the countries and other UN and NGO leaders.
Steinbrenner is involved in this organization with their Model UN club, sponsored by Dr. Miliziano. Anybody is welcome to join, however there’s a process required to get approved to go on the New York trip.
“Every delegate had to try out for the trip and give an opening speech,” said the president of Steinbrenner’s Model UN club, senior Saule Kondra. The opening speeches involved a committee and a problem in which you had to present. To determine if a delegate could go, they were judged on their speaking skills and research.
The conference was held from March 6 through March 10 and while the schedule was busy, the delegates still had time to explore the city of New York and everything it has to offer.
“The experience was amazing…the subway, the food, the buildings…,” said junior Catalina Pareja. Popular sightseeing destinations that they visited included Manhattan, Central Park, and the Rockefeller Center.
While representing their country and listening into conferences, the trip was an educational experience for the attending students.
“I learned to collaborate with others who had vastly different backgrounds than me…I was also able to improve my public speaking…,” said junior Annika Kaw. Participating in their conferences and conventions allowed the students to work on important life skills. This trip will also help the students’ future educational careers when applying to colleges.
A high school career is an important time to build extracurriculars and participate in as many activities as possible. Steinbrenner offers many chances for students to get experiences of all kinds to widen their range of knowledge.
“I believe it is so important for students to experience any academic opportunities…you can learn a lot from others and meet lifelong friends along the way,” said Kondra.
The five-day trip to New York brought together the participates of Model UN to learn about conference procedures in the real United Nations and improve their public speaking skills. While the trip was busy and exhausting, it provided significant knowledge for the students to take with them throughout their future life experiences.