The Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter at Steinbrenner High School thrives through the dedication of its student leaders and their advisor, Allison Cuffaro. The students collaborate to organize projects, participate in multiple competitions and develop essential leadership and business skills.
Senior Ryan Sumiantoro, the club’s President, takes the lead in coordinating meetings and setting goals for the chapter. His leadership has been instrumental in keeping members engaged and motivated. “Our biggest goals are for state and national competition, each year we’ve been getting more and more people to go with normally half the club,” said Senior Sumiantoro
Senior Vice Presidents Amogh Doddamane and Malcom Engman work together to support chapter initiatives. Doddamane focuses on engaging members and aiding with event preparation, while Engman helps manage projects and competitions. These student leaders help teach the younger FBLA students but also claim that the leadership positions have helped them grow academically. “I really, really hated public speaking. However, being forced to address in a crowd every single club meeting kind of gives you practice passively, every single time you do it. So I’m not as socially anxious when I got to be able and speak to somebody in front of,” said Senior Engman when asked about his growth improvement in FBLA.
Leaders like Doddamane play a significant role in the chapter’s success, contributing fresh ideas and supporting fundraising efforts. “After club meetings we always have ten to fifteen minutes of socializing and those are often my favorite parts as I get to meet new members and tell them more about what the club is about.” said senior Doddamane when speaking on the fun aspects of FBLA.
At the core of the chapter’s success is Ms. Cuffaro, the dedicated advisor who mentors students and encourages them to push beyond their comfort zones. “In the past I’ve had some good leaders but they really want to get their hands dirty and you need leadership that is willing to do what needs to be done” said Cuffaro. In addition, she shows her appreciation for her team by saying “having a club of size is a massive undertaking … when you have a group of leaders who take the initiative to create it makes it easier”.
With the combined efforts of Sumiantoro, Engman, Doddamane, and Ms. Cuffaro, the FBLA chapter continues to grow. As they look toward future competitions and community events, the team remains committed to making a lasting impact. “I feel like this sets me up to have stronger people skills, something I wasn’t really strong with earlier before I joined.” said Senior Engman when speaking about the impact FBLA left on him,